Southwest Georgia Farm Credit is pleased to announce that Russell Lowe has joined the team. Mr. Lowe joins the Association as a Commercial Credit Analyst in the Thomasville branch. He is a graduate of...
<a href="">Episode 23: Hunt and Gather |</a> On episode 23 of HERE WE GROW, we sit down with guest experts Michael Chamberlain and...
Click here to read Annual Meeting Information Statement Southwest Georgia Farm Credit will host its annual stockholders’ meeting Tuesday evening, February 20, 2024 at the Bindery at Oakland, 445...
&lt;a href=""&gt;Episode 22: Finding a Home in Southwest Georgia |;/a&gt; Episode 22: Finding Home in...
EPISODE 21: Resources for Young, Beginning, and Small Operation Farmers On Episode 21, our host welcomes a fantastic lineup of experts willing to share their knowledge and resources and for young...
&amp;amp;lt;a href=""&amp;amp;gt;Episode 20: Land, Recreational Properties and Hunting Opportunities in Southwest Georgia |
Home is such a powerful concept, especially for those of us with roots in small rural towns. Some people are fortunate to find fulfilling careers serving the interests of their towns, while others...
Story by Anna Kinchen Note to Self: If in pursuit of farming success, one does not apply passion, then the farmer risks savoring the full reward of his efforts, denying himself the sweetness of the...
“Trophy buck.” The term is tossed around loosely in the deer hunting community all the time. Except, what is a trophy buck? There is a great deal of misconception when it comes to this term. To one...
Brian Roberts, who resides in Weston, joined Farm Credit’s Dawson branch in April 2023. The Association is proud to announce he has been promoted to Relationship Manager. Brian recently graduated from...
Southwest Georgia Farm Credit is proud to serve farmers, farm businesses, and people who live and work in the small towns and communities in southwest Georgia. Agriculture is a way of life here, and...
Southwest Georgia Farm Credit began the Fresh from the Farm Mini-Grant program 12 years ago with the goal of recognizing our regional producers and their contributions to our healthier lifestyles...
Episode 19: 2023 Fall Weather & Harvest Outlook | 2023 Fall Weather & Harvest Outlook Episode 19 of HERE WE GROW welcomes a fantastic lineup of experts willing to share their fall...
Episode 18: Leading in Agriculture: The Mindset of a Farmer | RSS.comEpisode 18: Leading in Agriculture: The Mindset of a Farmer HERE WE GROW with Episode 18! On our recent podcast, Southwest Georgia...
Episode 17: Harrell Ag Manufacturing | Episode 17: Harrell Ag products On Episode 17, Southwest Georgia Farm Credit welcomes...