Southwest Georgia is a terrific place to live and own property

There are a lot of nice places to live and probably no place that is perfect. There are, however, some places that are very special. As a locality, the Southwest Georgia Wiregrass region is unique in its temperate climate, rural landscape and diverse historical culture—sharing the qualities of small towns spread all across America.
Like many small town regions across rural America, shifting industrial trends and consolidating agriculture have left a vacuum that appears decidedly hard to fill—and southwest Georgia is no exception. What the region does have is a resiliency to persevere despite the mass exodus from rural America to urban population centers. And what remains is a rural way of life that has all of the essential amenities—and many of the urban amenities—accessible in less time that it can take city folks to drive across town.
While historically a farming and timber producing region, the area has maintained its agricultural roots and today leads the state and nation in the production of a number of farm commodities. In terms of recreational opportunities, the region is renowned for, and abounds in, outdoor activities. A system of productive waterways create opportunities for fishing, kayaking, camping and boating in some of the most serene navigable settings in the state. At the confluence of two of the major waterways is Lake Seminole. Lake Seminole is a 37,000 acre impoundment that offers fishing, boating, kayaking, camping and even duck hunting in the winter. In terms of fishing, the lake annually attracts major fishing tournaments that bring in anglers from across the southeast and beyond.
Dating back to early 1900’s, Southwest Georgia became a place where well-to-do northern countrymen escaped the frigid climates of their native region and spent much of their winter on vast plantations enjoying the weather and bountiful abundance of bobwhite quail. It was more than shooting; it was a time honored tradition carried out with a genteel choreography of horses, pointers, setters and sportsmen dressed as if going to church. While today the tradition is still maintained in some locales, the region is served by a host of opportunities to visit one of the many establishments that cater to the public seeking to experience the time honored traditions. In fact, the Southwest Georgia Wiregrass region attracts individuals from across the nation who come to experience the bygone days of “gunning”—just as they did when times were simpler and people just enjoyed being outdoors with friends and family.
Southwest Georgia is blessed with a climate where winter is as enviable as summer is sufferable. Cold snaps in winter are short, and moderate days and nights the norm throughout. Spring usually turns to summer before your eyes as temperatures rise and one seeks the solace of shade or more modern accoutrements unknown to our ancestors. Fall slowly eases the sweltering landscape with a change in breeze and shift in shadows that foretells glorious days afield ahead. By Thanksgiving no day is served well if some portion is not spent outside.
The opportunity to purchase land within the region is ample with affordability at many levels. Whether the desire is for a peaceful setting to watch the sunsets from the front porch or an expansive terrain to enjoy numerous outdoor activities, Southwest Georgia has it all. While purchasing property can be a daunting task with a myriad of options and decisions, finding someone to help guide you through the process is not very hard.
Search for your dream location in our collection of the region’s best property listings.